Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Who's that Other Baby in the Crib?

So much has happened in the last month! Isaac and Audrey have finally started to notice each other, and it's quite amusing! They went from staring at each other during feedings with this "Who are you???" look on their faces to actually smiling when they see each other. Yesterday, dad and Grandma Macumber sat them in front of one another, and apparently Isaac was smiling and laughing more than they have ever seen him do! My mom mentioned a set of boy/girl toddler twins at Step-by-Step who are two peas in a pod--the boy is apparently super protective of his sister and is constantly by her side. With how much Isaac is taken with Audrey, I wouldn't be surprised if he is the exact same way!
We started taking a Family Music for Babies class last week at Musikgarten of Minnehaha Falls. I took them by myself (never doing that again!), so it was a lot of work to bring them to class. Audrey slept through the entire thing (probably a good thing for me) and Isaac was awake but a little fussy. I think he was overwhelmed by the stimulation. However, he definitely paid attention to the other babies in the room, all of whom are a wee bit older (hey, who said you can't start learning at three months!). It will be fun to watch their engagement in the class over the next four months as they continue to develop their little minds!