Sunday, November 15, 2009

No No, I Won't Go!

We have a rebel on our hands! Audrey refuses to go to church (or, at least, to go into the church). We took the twins to mass today for the first time. After five minutes inside, Audrey started crying hysterically and decided she was much happier standing outside in 35 degree weather than inside the church. Every time I tried to take her back inside, she started crying! Every time we stepped back outside, she was happy. Hmmm...a sign of things to come???
Today was a big day of firsts! Isaac figured out that it is more fun to actually lift his head during tummy time than to lie there and lick the blanket. He officially made it to the 90 degree mark (new moms are familiar with this milestone). And Audrey rolled over for the first time! It's funny: After Isaac started catching up to Audrey on tummy time, I predicted he would be the first to roll over. Within two minutes of me saying that, Audrey rolled. Guess she didn't want her brother showing her up! Smart girl. :)
Pictures above: The twins reaching for toys (Audrey started reaching for toys on Nov. 5 and Isaac started reaching for toys on Nov. 11).