Wednesday, December 30, 2009

You know they're six months old when...

You know they're six months old when...
1.  They grab the pacifier from your hand and put it in their mouth themselves.
2.  Father and son begin holding "fart sound" contests (and both laugh hysterically at this).
3.  They give you the stink eye (and know exactly what they're doing).
4.  They only want Mom.
5.  They get stuck in the Bumbo (maybe it's time to retire it and move onto sitting completely on their own!).
6.  They have "perma-booger."
7.  They manage to find and put into their mouths that one thing that you didn't see when you were cleaning the room.
8.  They "cry wolf" all of the time now, and you still fall for it.
9.  They disrupt mass--not because they're crying, but because they're smiling and shrieking with laughter and distracting half of the congregation.
10. They are crabby all day, but then Dad gets home and they are perfect angels. :)

Happy Six-Month Birthday, Audrey and Isaac! We love you!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Isaac laughing (Christmas season)

Isaac laughing (Christmas season)
Originally uploaded by rpm112003

Because the twins always stop what they're doing the second they see the camera, it has been difficult to capture their smiles and laughs. However, I hid the camera during one of Isaac's good moods and videotaped him laughing (though he eventually noticed the camera and the fun ended!).

Friday, December 18, 2009

My Precious...

I just had to write about this! Audrey started doing this strange voice this morning and I couldn't remember where I'd heard it before. Then it hit me--she sounds like Gollum! At first I thought she was just trying to get a burp out, but she's been talking like this all day. It's super funny. I figured Lord of the Rings fans would appreciate this. I think I'll call her Smeagol from now on....:)

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

What a Character!

Isaac has adopted a great sense of humor lately where he finds everything--and everyone--hysterical. Add to this an adorable, but absolutely obnoxious laugh (more like a screech than a squeal!), and you've got what my mom so politely calls "a character."
Audrey was the innocent victim of Isaac's sense of humor the other day. Let me explain: She was playing with a toy in front of him when he suddenly decided that this was hilarious and let out his screech--full volume and inches from her face. Startled, she dropped her toy, her lips quivered, and she started to cry, which Isaac found even more funny and made him laugh harder. What a sight!
The twins are doing so well and we're so proud of them. They've both picked up the "b" sound which they make repeatedly now, but they spit a lot when they say it, so we have to stay back or we get nailed. I've been working really hard to get them to say "ma," but it hasn't happened yet. Just my luck it'll be the last consonant they learn!
They also got their Craniocaps a few days ago, and have adjusted rather well (pictures above). I've also included some pictures where we've tested out the high chairs (not starting solids quite yet, but we're getting them ready!).

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Isaac & Audrey Tummy Time

Isaac & Audrey Tummy Time
Originally uploaded by rpm112003

Isaac is trying to crawl, but just can't quite get moving!