Saturday, January 23, 2010

Flying Food...Funny!

Isaac's Dinner Time Antics - Watch!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Oh Mama! (or ma, ma)

Ryan and I have started a little friendly competition: He's trying to get "dada" to be the twins' first word, and naturally, I'm trying to get them to say "mama." I have to admit, I have a competitive advantage considering they are with me all day. So when Isaac started babbling several weeks ago (beginning with bababa and then wawawa), we knew dadada and mamama would soon follow. Last week, he finally discovered the "ma" sound and I worked relentlessly to get him to say it exactly twice (not "ma" or "mamamama..." but just "ma ma." Lo and behold, while protesting tummy time, he looked right up at me and cried "Ma ma!" (as in "Mom!!! Help me!!!!"). It was priceless. I know it's not technically his first word, as I'm guessing he needs to know and understand exactly what he is saying for it to count, but still! I think I won the bet. Ryan?
At the twins' six-month wellness check-up a couple of weeks ago, I expressed concern to the doctor that Audrey had not yet rolled in the slightest (while Isaac rolls constantly). The doctor told us not to worry; she'll roll when she's good and ready. Alas, she has finally started rolling. You go, girl!
Other news: I think we can confidently call Isaac an independent sitter. I am now able to leave him sitting by himself (without the Boppie) and he hasn't yet toppled. Granted, I get too nervous to leave him unattended for more than a few minutes, but I think the fact that he is so bottom-heavy bodes well for him!
BTW - the last picture is of Audrey watching "The Bachelor." I needed to buy time while I made her a bottle. This doesn't adequately capture how fascinated she was. It makes me look forward to the Audrey/Mom nights when she's older and we can do these super girly things together. :)

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Babies Reading

Isaac Hitchcock?