Monday, May 24, 2010

Beach Bums

First time at the beach!

Mom's graduation

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

We've Got the Sillies

I think our kids have a great sense of humor, and it is so neat to see what they think is funny!
The twins have been known to wake up in the morning and have conversations while they wait for us to get them up. However, over the last few weeks their jabbering has evolved into shrieking--which they find absolutely hilarious and gets them rolling in laughter. No need for an alarm clock--they can be heard throughout the entire house (and probably by the neighbors). We definitely have some morning people on our hands! The best part is that we thought Isaac was starting this every morning (as he loves to scream, shriek, laugh, and talk), but we discovered last week that it is actually Audrey (the "quiet" one) who wakes up first and begins the fun! She has started doing this during the day, too, and she knows that we get a kick out of it, which just eggs her on.

Also, Isaac may not be able to clap yet, but he sure has these important life skills nailed down (and he does them on cue): the chugga chugga choo-choo motion, the Tarzan call, and--his latest--howling. :) One of his favorite books is While the World is Sleeping, and there is a line that reads, "The bright-eyed fox is on the prowl. He hopes to take a juicy fowl...Until he hears the guard dog howl, 'Arrroooooo!'" and when I howl he howls right along with me! It is so funny...I wish I could teach Sydney to howl on command like this. :)

It's Playtime!

Audrey playing around with Dad
Getting along!

With their friend Eli (notice how they all have goofy looks on their faces!)

Isaac playing with his buddies Max and Ethan

At the "Learning Table" (they love this thing!)