Thursday, August 19, 2010

Team "Trouble"

Now that Audrey crawls as quickly as Isaac, we've noticed that they travel together--and get into trouble together. Every day they go together to the bookcase where Isaac will stand and reach the books off of the highest shelf and toss them down to Audrey. When all books are off of the shelf, they page through--and sometimes rip pages out before I can save them!

Yesterday, they got mysteriously quiet and I knew they were up to no good. I found them in the bathroom--Isaac had emptied the garbage can of its contents and Audrey had discovered the toilet paper roll. I found them sitting together in a whopping pile of toilet paper and Kleenex--even Sydney couldn't make that big of a mess! Someone remind me...when can I start teaching them to clean up after themselves?

They've had many bouts of separation anxiety lately, which I find endearing in spite of it all. Yesterday when I left the house, I turned around as I walked down the front steps to find Isaac, face smashed against the window, staring at me and bawling his eyes out with the most painful look! As much as I feel bad for causing his anxiety, it's touching to be loved so much. :)

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Self grooming?

If Isaac looks a little more disheveled than usual the next time you see him, it's because he has decided to take grooming into his own hands. He knows how to comb his hair and brush his teeth now, so we're letting him take over during our bedtime routine. Granted, I usually have to re-brush his teeth (I think he mostly brushes his tongue and chews on the toothbrush), but I'm going to let him comb his own hair (his hair is so wild it doesn't cooperate anyhow!). Audrey also learned to share this week, so we've been practicing sharing toys and balls (she won't share with Isaac yet, but she'll share with me and Ryan!).  

Kim also posted some of the twins' one-year photos online. They're amazing! Check them out at