Monday, September 13, 2010

Look Who's Talking

The twins are really starting to "talk" to us now, and they have discovered how empowering it is to have a "say" in various matters. While Isaac has a few real words under his belt (though only Ryan and I can understand him at this point), his favorite new word is actually a gesture: a fast and furious head shake that obviously means "no" and is a borderline temper tantrum (do those really start this early?). However, he has learned to use it calmly, too--when I asked him if he wanted more cereal the other day, he looked up as though he was pondering it a moment, then slowly shook his head "no." I was shocked--since when does Isaac turn down food? :) Sure enough, he was just reveling in his power to choose (I came back a few minutes later and he was asking for more).

Speaking of more, Audrey has started signing "more" all of the time now, and I wonder how she can possibly fit all of that food into her tiny tummy! Like Isaac, I think she enjoys this new "word" more than she actually enjoys the food. I used to joke that she just picked at her food like a bird, but now she eats as much as her brother! She has also learned to sign "food" now (surprise, surprise), and this becomes a problem when it's not even close to meal time!

Isaac also figured out how to flush the toilet this week. First step toward potty training, right? :)

All of these skills are prepping them for daycare, which they'll be starting full-time in three weeks. While I'm really sad I won't be staying home with them anymore, I'm excited for the fun that awaits them!

Monday, September 6, 2010

A Busy Month!

Audrey and Isaac had such a busy end to the summer! A trip to Iowa, their first wedding, a pool party, and their first carousel ride--at the State Fair, of course! Check out what they've been up to: