Sunday, October 31, 2010

16 months old!

The twins are 16 months old already! I still catch myself calling them "babies," but they seem more and more like little kids now, and seem to grow leaps and bounds every week.

Here's what you should know about them at 16 months:

1. Audrey is still our happy, happy girl. While she wears her "serious" face a lot, she continues to be laid-back, easy going, and generally cheerful. That said, she does have her moments when she needs to cuddle and be held (love those moments!) and when she lays the smack down (Isaac literally gets smacked now if he gets in her way or bothers her!).
2. Her favorite word is "light." She loves lights--turning them on/off, telling us when she wants them on, and pointing out all of the little (and big) lights that we take for granted and don't even notice in our daily lives: street lights, car light, little lights on the T.V. buttons and dishwasher. She spots them all!
3. She continues to be our "goofball"--she loves imitating and initiating gestures and knows when she's being silly! Favorites: side-to-side, head tilts, head shakes, and peek-a-boo.
4. We're pretty sure she'll love the rides at Valley Fair and Disney World someday: She loves to spin, rock, go upside-down, bounce, dance and splash. At day care, she loves to spend open gym time on the rocking horse (when Ryan picks them up at the end of the day, that's where he usually finds her!).
5. Audrey's all about routine. She expects dinner on the table when she gets home from day care, doesn't like bath time to be a minute late, and loves her milk with bed time stories. The only part of her routine she hates is brushing her teeth; she has several tricks up her sleeve to make sure that toothbrush never reaches her mouth!
6. She helps us out around the house, and would rather be with us than playing with her toys. She loves to load and start the dishwasher and "sort" the mail and the laundry.
7. Some of her favorites: blankies, her stuffed caterpillar, spicy food (loves Mom's chili and hummus!), books like The Rainbow Fish and Can You Cuddle Like a Koala?, and--of course--our dog Sydney and cat Mookie. Her favorite instrument is the triangle, favorite movie is probably Baby Neptune (but any Baby Einstein, really), favorite cereal is Kix, and her favorite pastime is emptying the bookshelf, cupboards, freezer, and anything else that could be emptied!

1. Isaac loves to smile and make people laugh. He blows kisses at anyone who will reciprocate and isn't shy about giving kisses to strangers! He still has a hearty laugh and shriek and reminds us every day to have fun and see the humor in life.
2. He continues to love balls and gravity--he has the most fun when he's rolling small ones on different surfaces, dropping them from various heights, or bouncing the "big ball."
3. We predict he'll be a techie--the first one in line at Best Buy to buy the latest gadgets! He loves the cause-and-effect of pushing buttons and levers--from the most basic of technology (flushing the toilet) to the T.V. remote, air purifier, microwave, camera, and laptop. It isn't too difficult to find him in the house: Just listen for one of these to mysteriously turn on!
4. Isaac still likes to eat, though he has a more discerning palate now. He LOVES fruit--especially blueberries--but tends to throw his veggies to Sydney and won't usually humor me if I cook something new. The first day of day care he cried and cried until someone said the word "snack." I guess his mood and expression immediately changed, as if to say, "Food? No one told me there was food here!"
5. He continues to talk a lot, and has added enough words to his vocab that we stopped keeping track. He loves to imitate words too, and he'll practice and practice until he gets it right (or, at least until Ryan and I can understand him). Everything usually starts as "dah" and over time morphs into the correct pronunciation (though most of his words still lack the final consonant sound!).
6. Reading stories continues to be a favorite pastime for him. He likes to choose his own stories now and will usually throw a mini tantrum when we finish (apparently, four stories isn't enough--especially when he's trying to stall bed time!). His current faves: Sleep, Baby, SleepWow! Said the Owl; and The Little Mouse, the Red, Ripe Strawberry, and the Big Hungry Bear.
7. He initiates a lot of games and is a terrific problem-solver (when he wants to be). At day care, he purposely creates traffic jams of cars at the bottom of this car chute they have, and then removes the first car to watch them all come flying down (again, fun with gravity!). He says (or attempts to say) "stop" when he sees a red light and "go" when he sees a green light and gets upset if I don't acknowledge this (i.e. "Yes, Isaac, red means stop"). He continues to amaze me with his inquiries and attempts to make sense of the world around him!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Pumpkin Pickin'

We took the twins to the pumpkin patch this weekend. Things were pretty picked over, but Isaac and Audrey managed to find the perfect lil' pumpkins (with maybe a little bit of help from Mom and Dad). Take a look:

Why do we have to sit here with these pumpkins?

Slim pickins'

Waiting for the tractor to come around again and take us for a hay ride

Donkeys make everything better!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Footprints on our Hearts

Audrey and Isaac lost their dear friend Eli unexpectedly last week. He added so much to their lives in such a short time, and will be deeply missed. These pictures were taken just a week and a half ago at the apple orchard. I wanted to share them in Eli's honor.

 Audrey and Eli having a conversation

All three loved the goats