Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Watch Out Fishermen: Here Comes Audrey!

I think Audrey will soon be joining the fishing ranks of cousin Graham and Uncle Jeremy. For Christmas, we got the twins a new bath toy: a fishing pole with magnetic "fish" (actually a fish, duck, and turtle--isn't there something just a little wrong with fishing for a duck?). Isaac has taken no interest in it, but we can't tear Audrey away! In fact, she has figured out the magnet polarity and that she can only "catch" fish when they're right side up. So...she lines up her fish, right side up, steadily aims and lowers the pole, and...voila! She's got one! And then two, and three, until she's got all of them on her hook at one time. Then she "releases" them, and starts the game all over again.

If only it were that easy in real life...right, Ryan? :)

Christmas - Part 1

 Audrey and Aunt Stacy

 Isaac and Uncle Joe

 Audrey and Grandma opening presents together

 Yay - more stories!

 Taking a break with Grandpa (to chew on Mom's cell phone?)

Wow!!! Is this for me?