Monday, February 21, 2011

Catching Up

It's been awhile since we posted some pictures of Audrey and Isaac, so here they are! They also just had their wellness check-up (a month or so late) and they're healthy! I think someone was measured incorrectly, though, because they measured Isaac as 2 1/2 inches taller than Audrey--80th percentile!--and I can't see that much of a difference between them (though, if it's true, we're thrilled he's measuring tall!). We're still holding out for tall kids, against all odds...:)

 Isaac's favorite hangout

 Goodbye hugs for Mookie (he moved to Grandpa and Grandma's house)

 Loves her rocking horse!

Computer games with Dad

Paging Dr. Audrey!

Mama Drama!

I don't think Ryan and I were fully prepared for the "expressive" personalities that come with toddlerhood. One of the best survival tactics is seeing the humor in the situation--because if you get sucked into it, you'll be eaten alive!
A few nights ago I was reminded of an episode of Super Nanny where she's trying to sleep-train a two-year-old who cries out, "Mommy! I'm dying, mommy! I'm dying! I'm dying!!!" to get his mom to come in and take him out of his crib. Well, whenever the twins get sick, we (against our better judgment) will occasionally take them to bed with us and rock them back to sleep. This means when they get better we have to sleep-train them all over again. This particular night, Isaac pulled out every trick in the book to summon us to his room in the middle of the night. It was really starting to wear on us until he resorted to the most dramatic, Oscar-winning speech I've heard out of him yet: "Mama! Mama, please!!! Please, please, please, mama....PLEASE! MAMA, PLEASE!" I just burst out laughing--it's so endearing that he tried the polite, sweet approach (after the temper tantrum approach didn't work out so well). It didn't win him a trip out of the crib, but it did win him some mommy points!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Audrey Walking

1.16.11 177
Originally uploaded by rpm112003

Audrey Walks!