Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Shame on Me

I think this picture speaks for itself. I wish I could say that this fall was all Audrey, but my negligence had a lot to do with it. Poor girl...this trip to the E.R. topped off her horrible week. At least the Easter bunny came!

Bye Bye...Bou?

You know you have a "problem" when the name of your favorite fast food chain enters your 21-month olds' vocabulary. Ryan and I rarely eat fast food, but I am addicted to Caribou Coffee and will (probably too often) swing through the Caribou drive-thru, kids in tow, on the way to day care. So it shouldn't surprise me that today when I rolled down the window and was handed my coffee, the kids started chanting, "Bye bye Bou! Bye bye Bou!" It's funny when Isaac says it, but when Audrey joins him and they decide to shout it at the top of their lungs together, it's quite the spectacle. Perhaps they're trying to tell me that I need to kick the habit...:)

Now that they've started two and three word phrases, it's fun to see what combinations come out. Isaac has graduated from simply "Uh oh _____" and "____ please" to some more sophisticated combinations, but his sentence structure usually remains the same:
Uh oh ____ (i.e. "Uh oh basketball")
Hi ____ ("Hi Audee" - Audrey)
Out ____ (usually "Out Siddee!" - we obviously use that phrase around our house a lot)
Bye bye ____ (this one could be anything...the list goes on and on)
All gone _____ (usually "All gone yogurt" or his favorite foods when he has cleaned his plate)
Car wee/go _____ (I think he tries to tell us what is riding in a car: i.e. "Car wee baby" - a baby is riding in the car?)

...and let's not forget the possessives: "Dada's shoes," "Audrey's water," "Sydney's bowl," etc.etc. My favorite? When he points to my eyes and says, "Mama's blue eyes!" Granted, he thinks everyone has blue eyes and cannot quite grasp that Ryan's eyes are brown, but I think it's cute nonetheless!

Audrey has been adorable lately because she'll talk to us as though we're having a full conversation and she'll nod her head a lot and use hand gestures, but Ryan and I have no clue what she's saying! Then she'll wait for a response--and I'll have to scramble to say something more creative than, "Oh! Really?" or "That's right, Audrey." Isaac used to talk to himself a lot but rarely engaged us in these kinds of conversations, so it's fun that Audrey does this! It's also cute how much she follows and mimics Isaac. If he starts telling something "bye bye" or goodnight, Audrey will echoe him. That's one of the sweetest things about twins, I think!

Monday, April 11, 2011


Fun in the tub!

 Splish splosh splash!

Pucker up!

Good Times!

Here's what we've been up to the last couple of months:

 Lots of time spent coloring and with Play-Dough


 She wouldn't be a Falkum if she didn't play Cribbage!

 Isaac and his buddies

 with Grandpa Falkum

 with Grandma Falkum

 They love to wrestle each other. Cutest thing ever!

 Showing Uncle Tim their favorites at the zoo

At Baby Jacob's house!