Sunday, December 23, 2012

Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Such...

Launching balloons to Heaven for their good friend Eli.

On the way out for trick or treating and Grandma and Grandpa's house.

Posing with Cousin Evie after trick or treating.

At great-great-Aunt Rose's 100th birthday party in Beardstown, Illinois.

Wrestling Uncle Tim at Thanksgiving

Playing pinball at cousin Lonnie and Anita's before Thanksgiving dinner.

Making clouds at the Children's Museum with Grandpa.

Audrey making a mess while eating spaghetti at Uncle Tim and Jess' house.

Isaac wearing Uncle Tim's Iowa hat during dinner at Bennigan's.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

You Know You're a Hawkeye When...

You know you're a Hawkeye when "Iowa" is the first word you can spell. That's right: Isaac might not be able to write his own name yet, but he spelled Iowa with stickers tonight. The funny part is that I asked him what it spelled, and he replied, "Go Hawks!" Thanks to Ryan and a teacher who's a die-hard Hawkeye fan, he has learned the chant, "I-O-W-A...Go Hawks!" and apparently, it has made an impression on him. :) Ryan is so proud!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Big News

Baby Macumber coming May 2013!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Audrey Goes to a Wedding and the Circus!

Audrey showing off her new dress from Great Grandma Gerberding at Gabe and Shelly's wedding

With Grandma Macumber and Jess

Getting ready to dance with Uncle Tim

 Making friends on the dance floor

Dropping a lucky penny into the pond at VanderVeer Park

Sitting still for a split second to pose for a photo with Uncle Tim and Grandma

Uncle Tim shows Audrey one of the circus rings

Elephants laying down at the circus

Audrey amazed by elephants laying down at the circus

Monday, August 27, 2012

State Fair 2012

Kids' first bus ride on the way to the fair

Audrey excited to start bouncing...

If only it could go higher...

Isaac cautiously optimistic...

Isaac no longer optimistic... 

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Bix Weekend

What a fun, busy weekend! The kids had a blast--we love the fact that we're keeping Bix an annual tradition!

Here's a recap:

 Pre-Kids Race


 Popsicle face!

 Visit to the Davenport Fire Station

 Thank You Firefighter Gabe!

 Isaac kept asking if Uncle Tim could take him fishing. we are--a beautiful Sunday morning on the lake!

Fun was had (though no fish were caught!)

Monday, July 2, 2012

The Celebration

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Happy 3rd Birthday Isaac and Audrey

We had a great birthday celebration yesterday for Audrey and Isaac at Lake Minnewashta Regional Park. Thanks to the family for coming out to help us celebrate!

The birthday boy!

 The birthday girl!

 Chilling with Graham

 Audrey and Landon

 Rosey was a hot day!

 Baby Evie was a trooper

 Cooling off with Uncle Tim

The Lightning McQueen bikes!

Children's Fest and Lake Nokomis

Looking for fish at one of the Lake Nokomis fishing docks and strolling along the shore...

Popsicles and balloons at the Saint Paul Children's Fest

It's Cabin Time!

First boat ride of the summer

 Audrey takes a break from watching the waves

 It wouldn't be a trip to the cabin without a visit to the eagles

 Trek back up to the cabin from the lake!

 OMG...I caught a fish! What do I do with it?

Fun until they start flopping around...then they're "scary"