Saturday, March 24, 2012

This One's for You, Ryan

Who knew roller skates still existed? Ryan - you'd better learn how to roller-blade this summer before your two-year-old passes you up! :)

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Fire Station Field Trip

It's Community Helpers Week in Isaac's preschool class, and today they took a field trip to the Richfield Fire Station. Audrey didn't quite understand why she couldn't go too, but we promised her that her class would visit the fire station someday soon as well. Despite being a little bit under the weather, Isaac had a great time and was so excited to tell us all about it at the end of the day!

His teacher shared some pictures with us:

 Look at our little peanut! :)

 Best part of the whole trip? When he got to "drive" the fire truck!

Apparently, Isaac had a lot of fun measuring himself against these big fire truck tires!

Oh, the joy that preschool brings. :)