Friday, February 8, 2013

Table Talk

I need to do a better job of recording the great three-year-old conversations between Audrey and Isaac. The things they discuss just crack us up! A lot of these conversations occur at the breakfast table because it's just the two of them sitting there (Ryan and I are usually busy getting ready for the day).

This morning's conversation:
Audrey: "I am bigger than you, Isaac."
Isaac: "But I am stronger than you, Audrey. I can do handstands!"
Audrey: "Yes, but I can do somersaults."
Isaac: "That's true...that does make you strong, but I am still stronger!"

FYI: The only "fact" in this whole conversation is that Audrey really can do somersaults. :)

I'm going to try and write down more of these conversations. They are hilarious!