Tuesday, November 26, 2013

The Laughing Video

Had to capture Grayson laughing in a video as well, for memory's sake!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Dinner Conversation

I just had to capture this dinner conversation with my four year olds from last night before I forgot it. I'm sitting there with the kids and we're finishing up dinner:

Me: Okay guys, if you want a Halloween treat, you each need to eat three more spoonfuls of veggies.
Audrey: How 'bout we take a vote? Raise your hand if you want to eat three more bites of veggies and raise your hand if you want to eat no veggies.
Me: What, is this a democracy now?
Audrey: Yup, it's a dumocacy, Mom.


Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Happy Half Birthday, Grayson!

We love you buddy!

Six months old today!