Thursday, December 25, 2014

Christmas 2014 at our house.

With cousin Evie at the 8th floor display, Macy's 

Christmas morning

Gift opening with Great Grandma Gerberding, Grandma and Grandpa Falkum, Uncle Jere, Aunt Sarah (not shown), Aunt Stacy, and Cousin Evie

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Birds in Our Backyard

Ryan got me a new zoom lens for my camera for Mother's Day, and it has been fun photographing some of the wildlife that pays a visit to our neighborhood! We've also seen an eastern bluebird, great blue herons, hawks, blue jays, and chickadees in the past week--we just didn't have the camera with us!

Thanks, Ryan. :)

Grayson's Party Pics

Thank you to everyone who helped us celebrate!

Monday, May 5, 2014

Happy 1st Birthday, Grayson!

Grayson!! I can't believe I'm writing this post and that you're one year old today. How the time flies! Thank you for bringing so much love and light into our lives this past year.


One year later

 Here's what we'll remember about you at this age:

1. You love your brother and sister so much, and they love you so much in return. Nobody can make you laugh the way Isaac and Audrey can, and you love to put on a show for them to make them laugh in return (who knew putting stuff on your head could be so funny?). They're the first people you look for when you wake up in the morning and the first people you look for at the end of the day when we come pick you up from Ducklings. We're also pretty sure that your second word is "Isaac." Audrey is much harder to say, so you still just point and smile a lot at your big sister. :)

2. You learned your fine motor skills so quickly! You could pick up and eat real food several months ago, you love to point at everything, and we love when we say, "Good job, Grayson!" and you start your self-congratulatory clapping.

3. We are a family of talkers, and you are no different! You love to jabber, and it's fun to hear you say things so matter-of-factly, even though we have no clue what you're saying. You know exactly what you're saying though, don't you? :)

4. The happiest baby award might just go to you. It's a close one between you and Audrey, who was also just as laid-back and content at your age. We can take you anywhere, at anytime, and as long as food is nearby you are golden!

5. Speaking of can pack it in, just like Dad and Isaac. We knew you were a big eater when you weighed in at 8 lb. 15 oz. at birth, but we weren't prepared for your LOVE of food! You still get mad at the end of every bottle, although the newborn crying and fussing has evolved into screaming, back-arching, and bottle throwing. Thank goodness for Nuks...I'm pretty sure you're going to go to Kindergarten with those things.

6. You didn't get any teeth until about a month ago, and now you have like six of them with more on the way. We don't really know for sure, though, because you won't let us in there to actually count (I wouldn't want people sticking their fingers in my mouth trying to pry it open, either!). First the bottom middle two arrived, and then the fangs, so you have a little bit of Dracula going on right now.

7. Finally, I love that you call for Mama whenever you're sad, mad, and even some times when you're happy. I'm going to miss that so much in a few years when indifference sets in. Why can't time stand still?

Happy birthday, big guy. All our love, Mom, Dad, Isaac, and Audrey

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Nine Months Old!

Our big guy is nine months old today! At this age, he is full of personality. His two favorite people are still Isaac and Audrey, who make him laugh constantly. While he's content to sit and still hates tummy time, he has already mastered eating and eats just about all of the table food we do (where there's a will, there's a way!). He gets mad when you take away his bottle or his toys and every time we take him out of the bath and bundle him up to go outside. Otherwise, he's a very happy and social guy! And, like Isaac at this age, he loves the big, loud toys, including his drum, xylophone, rattles, and the twins' superhero toys (Iron Man is his fave). No teeth yet...but we check every day!

Christmas 2013

The holidays were so much fun this year! The twins were soooo excited Christmas (Eve) morning that Santa came and the festivities continued down in Iowa and then back here in MN. Grayson couldn't get enough of the bows, wrapping paper, and tissue...and even managed to eat some green tissue during an unsupervised moment Christmas Day. His spit-up a couple of minutes later was a lovely Grinch green. :)

Decorating the tree

Enjoying her new toys

Grayson enjoyed the bows the most!

Isaac's present for Dad - a drawing of the two of them

Lazy vacationing with Cousin Mel


Christmas with the Williams side

Grayson and Cousin Sue

with Grandma Macumber

Thursday, January 23, 2014

First Time Ice Skaters!!

We thought it would take a few times to get the kids comfortable, but they both wanted to go it alone within 15 minutes on the ice!