Thursday, October 29, 2009

Laughed So Hard I Cried

Where do I begin? The twins are so, sweet!...lately that Ryan and I can't help but crack up every time we reminisce on the day's events. Today was an especially "goofball" day, as I like to call it. There was some rattle-shaking (in unison--pretty funny, but you had to be there!), Audrey smacking Isaac in the face (an accident, but we'll cut her some slack nonetheless because his cheeks are pretty hard to avoid), and even some hand-holding! And no, I didn't put their hands together--they have started hanging onto each other's clothes when next to each other (for comfort, maybe?) and hand-holding is an obvious natural progression. Oh, and we tried out the Halloween costumes tonight. They were a little tight, and you can see from the picture above that they didn't appreciate it! We're such mean parents! :) I spent last week in Hawaii without Ryan or the kiddos, but the twins sure let me know what I was missing while I was gone. Aunt Stacy came with us to the zoo and the library this week, so in addition to their antics we had some other laughs as well. Thanks, Stace! (And thanks to Grandma Macumber for watching them while I was away!)

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Women Love to Talk!

It's what Ryan feared would happen: two women in his life love to talk. That's right! Audrey has started talking (well, making lots of baby sounds!) and since she discovered this new talent, she hasn't stopped. I think Ryan was hoping Audrey would be more on the quiet side like him, but it turns out she likes to talk as much as I do. Just wait until she's old enough to really talk...we're going to drive the boys nuts!
Other news? We added baths to our bedtime routine, which means Ryan and I now do the same thing every night: feed babies, try to cook/eat dinner ourselves, give the twins their baths, feed them again, then put them down. Ugh! If we're still wide awake, we might get about an hour or two to ourselves before we start all over again. I'm guessing this is a typical routine for most parents. I'm just waiting until we add bedtime stories to the routine, which will stretch it out even more. Luckily, they have grown to like their baths, so it's a fun time (though they hate it when we take them out!). The pictures above show them in their winter gear. You gotta love those big cheeks...:)