Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Furious and, Waving

Audrey has figured out that if you push the buttons on our "high tech" toys, they'll do some kind of a trick for her (i.e. spin balls around really fast, play music). She'll push the buttons over and over again just to watch the magic unfold, and when she's bored with that she'll try to get the toys to do something else. Herein lies the problem: She can't get the toys to do what she wants them to do, and we can't figure out what exactly it is that she wants done. BEWARE the wrath of Audrey when this happens! I have never seen a baby get so infuriated with a toy! What's so funny about this is that she rarely ever gets mad or upset about anything else! She is our easy-going, laid-back little girl. It's pretty entertaining to watch, so I probably make the situation worse when she turns around and I'm chuckling. I can only imagine the F-bombs she'd be dropping if she only knew how to swear! I just tell her that she has to be smarter than the toy and eventually she'll figure it out.

Since day one (and possibly in utero), Isaac likes to hold his arms out wide all of the time (whereas Audrey still keeps her tucked in a lot--particularly while she sleeps). We have pictures from Isaac's first days where he's signing "West side"--I think one of our first blog posts shows this. :) Since then, the only gesture he has learned is the sign for milk (which still allows him to hold his arms out wide), and he uses this sign for his bottle, for food, and also for stories (basically, it means "want" more than it means "milk" to him!). However, after several unsuccessful attempts at teaching other gestures (clapping, food, story, more, please), we nailed one: waving bye-bye! While he puts his whole body and arm into it, we have confirmed that it is indeed a wave, and not a flail (because flailing is also an Isaac pastime). Next time you see Isaac, be sure to wave "bye" to him--you can tell he's proud of it!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Easter Fun!

I realize these are a little late, but here are some recaps from Easter.

Audrey, who put that coaster napkin on your head?

Uncle Joe showing Isaac a good time...or the other way around?

Isaac got rather cranky toward the end of the day. This face is a classic!

This was our "dog excursion." The twins were along for the ride.

Audrey found a new friend (she LOVES dogs)

Isaac and Tim jammed away until an incident involving the music stand and Isaac's face (don't ask!)

The kids bonding with their (second? third?) cousins, Lonnie and Anita.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Isaac making a mess and Audrey can't believe what she sees!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

No More Bananas! ...But Maybe Basketball and Sainthood

I am at the library looking for more ways to procrastinate doing my homework. So, I thought I would update everyone on the twins (again). :)

It has been firmly established that the twins hate bananas. I think they're fabulous, so I have tried pureed bananas, cut-up, mashed, etc. etc. This morning, I tried to hide the bananas in their cereal in really small chunks. Not only did Isaac wrinkle his nose and spit it out (all over my shirt!), but Audrey literally--LITERALLY--gagged and then puked up everything in her stomach. Geez! Okay, I get the hint! No more bananas. I guess they inherited that from Grandpa Falkum (who also hates them). Who knew bananas were so repulsive?

Today Isaac demonstrated his "giving" side. I learned that if I give him a ball and ask for it back, he'll give it to me! Who knows how long he's been able to do this. All this time I've been scolding him for stealing Audrey's toys, when instead I should have simply asked him to give them back. Side note: It works better when he has two toys. When he has only one, he is somewhat reluctant to give it up. He's no Mother Teresa yet, but he shows some promise!

News on the Audrey front: She has mastered the sippy cup, while Isaac hasn't yet figured it out (he chews it instead). We also learned last week that she is in the 88th percentile for height! Woohoo! Perhaps she'll be a basketball player like her Aunt Stacy (or like Ryan, who sadly stopped growing in 8th grade and had to quit). There's potential there--we have big dreams for her!