Wednesday, April 7, 2010

No More Bananas! ...But Maybe Basketball and Sainthood

I am at the library looking for more ways to procrastinate doing my homework. So, I thought I would update everyone on the twins (again). :)

It has been firmly established that the twins hate bananas. I think they're fabulous, so I have tried pureed bananas, cut-up, mashed, etc. etc. This morning, I tried to hide the bananas in their cereal in really small chunks. Not only did Isaac wrinkle his nose and spit it out (all over my shirt!), but Audrey literally--LITERALLY--gagged and then puked up everything in her stomach. Geez! Okay, I get the hint! No more bananas. I guess they inherited that from Grandpa Falkum (who also hates them). Who knew bananas were so repulsive?

Today Isaac demonstrated his "giving" side. I learned that if I give him a ball and ask for it back, he'll give it to me! Who knows how long he's been able to do this. All this time I've been scolding him for stealing Audrey's toys, when instead I should have simply asked him to give them back. Side note: It works better when he has two toys. When he has only one, he is somewhat reluctant to give it up. He's no Mother Teresa yet, but he shows some promise!

News on the Audrey front: She has mastered the sippy cup, while Isaac hasn't yet figured it out (he chews it instead). We also learned last week that she is in the 88th percentile for height! Woohoo! Perhaps she'll be a basketball player like her Aunt Stacy (or like Ryan, who sadly stopped growing in 8th grade and had to quit). There's potential there--we have big dreams for her!