Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Then...and Now

Happy Birthday Isaac and Audrey big one-year-olds, you!

Here are some pictures from Saturday's celebration:

aammm numm numm numm...

Mushy, sticky fun

Awww, isn't that cute?

But if you just try a bite, you might actually like it...

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

First Haircut

The twins got their first haircuts on Saturday in preparation for their one-year pictures. Audrey didn't need a haircut, but since Isaac was going we thought she could get a little trim, too. Audrey didn't fact, she kept a poker face the entire time and we couldn't tell what she was thinking! Isaac didn't handle it very well. I think he was sad to lose his curls (they'll grow back, buddy!). Here are some pictures....

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Look at me! Look at me!

I know this kind of thing isn't that big of a deal to a lot of people, but Isaac was SO proud of himself that I had to share. We put Isaac to bed first tonight, and while I was getting Audrey ready for bed I heard a huge shriek of glee behind me. I turned around and Isaac was standing in his crib with the biggest grin on his face I think I've ever seen on him! He has been pulling up on furniture/toys for awhile now, but this was the first time he figured out he could pull himself up to standing in his crib. Once he figured this out, he didn't want to go to sleep--only practice his new trick--so we've been back there two more times in the past hour to lay him back down. I think he's finally asleep now...:) Way to go, Isaac! Not a little baby anymore...officially a toddler, I'd say!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Originally uploaded by rpm112003

Everyone should try this while they eat. It makes lunch time much more fun!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Where Did This Year Go?

Our babies are almost one year old! It’s crazy how fast this year has flown by (and a little sad that they are growing up so quickly!). Here’s what you should know about our big one year olds right now:


1. Audrey will be silly for the sake of being silly. When she was around six months old, she learned how to shake her head and it’s been her trademark move. Over the last couple of months she has realized that it makes everyone loosen up and laugh, and she’ll shake her head with a big smile on her face and wait for us to smile and laugh back. She knows she’s being goofy, and we love that so much about her!

2. She has gorgeous blonde hair that still sticks up on the top, no matter how much we comb it down. Unfortunately, as long as it sticks up it’s a target for Isaac, and Audrey still gets her hair pulled on an almost-daily basis.

3. We knew Audrey loved stories, but now that she can make her way across the room I’ve noticed that she bypasses the toys and goes straight for the books! She loves to flip through the pages and look at the pictures. This would keep her amused for hours if we didn’t force the toys. Her faves: Hello Baby!, Quack!, and Quiet Loud. Do we have a future bookworm on our hands?

4. When she doesn’t want to let go, she won’t. She is so strong and has such an iron grip! Just try and take the sippy cup or the spoon away from her. I feel every time like I’m losing at arm-wrestling or something. And poor Sydney: When we go on walks, Audrey grabs a hold of Sydney’s leash and doesn’t let go, which cuts her leash length in half!

5. Speaking of walks…When we go on walks and Audrey decides to nap, she pulls her hat down over her face (just like she pulls the blanket over her head in the crib). This has gotten me into trouble with random strangers on many occasions who find it necessary to scold me because my baby can’t see anything!

6. Audrey is our “thinker.” She is very focused and every move is a calculated, cautious one. This may mean that she doesn’t take as many risks as Isaac, but she also doesn’t have as many accidents either. I know she has been watching him carefully and learning from his mistakes. Hmm…smart cookie!

7. While she still is very independent, she has become much more affectionate in the past month or so and will hug and cuddle (when we used to try, she would squirm to get away!). Both she and Isaac know how to give a kiss, and it’s a pleasant surprise when Audrey offers one. Also, she has been waking up a couple of hours past bed time pretty regularly recently, and sometimes the only thing that gets her to go back to sleep is being held close. I cherish those moments!


1. Isaac enjoys the road less traveled. He has created his own obstacle course in our living room, beginning with a trek through the shaky bottom of the exersaucer (this is pretty much all we use it for now!), climbing onto and crawling through the bottom shelf of our sofa table, making his way around the couch, climbing over the blow-up lion toy, and then flipping over and tossing aside the Leapfrog learning table to squeeze around the last couch leg (he usually gets stuck on this last feat!). It would be much faster to bypass all of these and simply crawl around the couch, but that would be too easy, now wouldn’t it?

2. Isaac loves the little plastic balls that come with some of the fancier push-toys. He will crawl from room to room with one of these balls and drop it on many surfaces just to see how and where it rolls. Thanks to Isaac, we have discovered exactly where our floors are uneven and slanted! I think we have a future physicist on our hands. Or a golfer?

3. I’m pretty sure he has all of our books memorized. He always smiles at the end and at his favorite parts (it’s so amusing to see what he likes!), but recently he has started smiling at the resolution part of the story. I don’t know how to explain this, but he seems to know when he should smile (i.e. when someone does something nice for someone else in the story, a problem gets solved, etc.). This blows my mind. His faves: Why, Oh, Why Does Baby Cry?, Ten Tiny Babies, and While the World is Sleeping.

4. Isaac has so much love to give. He is very affectionate, but his affection comes with two bottom teeth and Audrey has the marks to prove it. We call them “love bites,” and it has been tricky trying to teach him to give kisses “gently.” This means extra supervision during playtime to protect Audrey from his brotherly love!

5. This guy wants so badly to walk! But he is so…very…wobbly. He walks holding our hands, taking giant, fast steps with such shaky legs! He has started getting frustrated with himself, but I fear it will be a long time before he is sturdy enough to do it on his own (perhaps a good thing, as our house is only crawler-proofed right now).

6. Isaac is our talker. While he is shy around strangers, he talks almost nonstop at home. He talks to us, to Audrey, to Sydney through the baby gate, and even to himself in the mirror. Sometimes he babbles, sometimes it’s a very matter-of-fact “a-da” or “a-ba” with a head nod (I think I nod my head a lot when I talk, so he probably picked this up from me!), and he often uses a lot of inflection as though he is having a conversation and asking questions. We don’t have an official first word yet (besides Mama and Dada), but he seems awfully close (or else we’re missing it?).

7. He is still our smiley little boy. He will give anyone a big smile, especially if he’s safe in Mom or Dad’s arms or in the stroller and can be friendly from a short distance. This means that he immediately wins over fellow walkers, joggers, bikers, and people standing ahead of us in the checkout line. This definitely makes up for the infamous scowls that Audrey and I supposedly always have on our faces! :)