Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Holding back?

Audrey's usually pretty quiet, but lately she has been full of surprises! While she only has a couple of words she uses regularly, she will occasionally spew out a random word--pronounced perfectly, mind you!--and then not use it again.
Examples? Last week, she grabbed her tee-shirt, looked up at me and said, "Shirt?" I swear she had the "h" in there and everything! And last night, she was splashing around in the bath tub, all of a sudden stopped, and said "Splash!" and then started up again. How can she pronounce these things so perfectly without any practice? Needless to say, we're very intrigued by this. Aunt Stacy insists Audrey's going to be the quiet one who all of a sudden starts talking in full-blown sentences, and I'm starting to be convinced!

Audrey's also very much into sounds right now: She roars like a lion, growls like a polar bear, hisses like a snake, and goes "vroom vroom" when she plays with cars (it's so cute to see a little girl having so much fun with cars!). She has some new dance moves, too. Ask her to "shimmy" next time you see her! (she gets her shoulders into it and everything). :)