Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy Halloween!

This was a Halloween of firsts! It was the first pumpkin Ryan and I have ever carved together (in 12 years...crazy!) and the first time Isaac and Audrey went trick-or-treating. They both did very well--they might have missed saying "Trick or Treat" at most houses, but they nailed the concept right away and didn't always understand why they couldn't take fistfuls of candy at each house! At least they were very good about saying "Thank you!"

 Eww...don't let it touch me!!!

 Okay...so maybe just one scoop...

Never mind...Dad can do the work!

 Final product

 With Grandma Falkum in our Halloween outfits!

 First time trick or treating!

 One of many attempts to get the kids together for a picture!

 Miss Piglet ("Baby Dira")

Audrey and Indira checking out the trick-or-treat goodies