Tuesday, November 26, 2013

The Laughing Video

Had to capture Grayson laughing in a video as well, for memory's sake!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Dinner Conversation

I just had to capture this dinner conversation with my four year olds from last night before I forgot it. I'm sitting there with the kids and we're finishing up dinner:

Me: Okay guys, if you want a Halloween treat, you each need to eat three more spoonfuls of veggies.
Audrey: How 'bout we take a vote? Raise your hand if you want to eat three more bites of veggies and raise your hand if you want to eat no veggies.
Me: What, is this a democracy now?
Audrey: Yup, it's a dumocacy, Mom.


Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Happy Half Birthday, Grayson!

We love you buddy!

Six months old today!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Grayson's Baptism

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Godparent Tim and Christian Witness Graham

Strike a pose

Our Baby is Five Months Old!

Time has flown by so quickly the past five months...and I can't help but feel sad at how fast it has gone. Even so, Grayson has more personality than ever and is doing some really neat things. At five months, he likes to wave his hands, flap his arms, play with his feet and toes, and--still--loves to talk. He really enjoys stories, and his favorites are Snuggle Puppy, Little Blue Truck Leads the Way, and Moo, Baa, La La La. He's a trooper, too--he has had two bad colds back-to-back and was sick for almost a month straight. Thank goodness he's such an easy-going guy!

Bedtime routine with Dad

First taste of food! (not a fan of rice cereal)

Night time snuggles

...with Isaac, too!

Hanging out with the sibs

Sever's Corn Maze with Dad

All bundled up for fall

First time in the swing

Making Grandpa Proud!

Audrey catches her first small mouth bass (Labor Day weekend)

...and a whopping northern! 5 lbs, maybe?

Isaac has great luck, too! He's so proud - first time fishing from the boat. :)

Friday, August 23, 2013

Summer Happenings

We haven't been great about taking pictures this summer, but we managed to snap some of our favorite summer traditions: Bix weekend and the cabin!

Running the Jr. Bix

They had a crowd to cheer them on!

With our winners!
Always a popsicle after the race
Even Grayson got in on the medal action

With Cousin Angie

With Cousin "Zoo"

Cousin Mel meets Grayson

Roasting marshmallows at the cabin

The "square" marshmallow

Grandma and Grandpa help out!

The Hair that Can't Be Tamed

Grayson is three and a half months old, and we love so much about this little guy--especially his crazy hair! No matter how hard we try, we can't get his hair to do anything but stand straight up in the air. Some other things about Grayson at this age: he smiles, he laughs (for Isaac, especially!), he reaches for toys, he sits up as best as he can, and boy, does he eat!

Crazy Hair I
Crazy Hair II

Loves these toys...just frustrated he can't put them in his mouth!

Doesn't mind tummy time as long as he's on the Boppy!

Gotta love drool :)

Still has those dimples!

Monday, July 1, 2013

Our Big Four-Year-Olds

Happy 4th birthday, Isaac and Audrey! We are so proud of you two--you're growing up so fast!

Thank you to everyone who came out to help us celebrate this weekend.

Cousin Owen

 Audrey and Graham

 Grandma Falkum and Grayson

Cousin Indi and fam

 Cuddle time with Auntie Kim

 Cousin Evie and Aunt Stacy

 Uncle Geoff and Grayson

 Jess and Cousin Owen

Ready for Cake!

 Camping Lantern from Uncle Tim

Trying out the new scooter with Grandma Macumber

Two Months Old

I can't believe how time flies--Grayson is two months old already. He is such a sweet little guy and we love him so much! He still likes to be held and cuddled when he's tired, but otherwise he prefers to be able to see everything and everyone. He loves to kick, smiles a lot, makes lots of baby noises, and tries so hard to talk! He had his two-month check-up today, weighing in at 13 lbs. 13 oz and 23 3/4" long. Big and healthy!

Here are some pictures of his first couple of months of life:

 Cuddles with Dad

 Sibling love

...more sibling love

 ...and more!

 Mad at Dad

 Enjoying the rocker (deja vu--looks just like Audrey when she used it!)

First Twins game (well, Grayson didn't get to go, but he got all dressed up!)

 "Mom is so mean to me" tummy time

Hanging with Audrey

 Bedtime routine pic

Big smiles!