Monday, July 1, 2013

Two Months Old

I can't believe how time flies--Grayson is two months old already. He is such a sweet little guy and we love him so much! He still likes to be held and cuddled when he's tired, but otherwise he prefers to be able to see everything and everyone. He loves to kick, smiles a lot, makes lots of baby noises, and tries so hard to talk! He had his two-month check-up today, weighing in at 13 lbs. 13 oz and 23 3/4" long. Big and healthy!

Here are some pictures of his first couple of months of life:

 Cuddles with Dad

 Sibling love

...more sibling love

 ...and more!

 Mad at Dad

 Enjoying the rocker (deja vu--looks just like Audrey when she used it!)

First Twins game (well, Grayson didn't get to go, but he got all dressed up!)

 "Mom is so mean to me" tummy time

Hanging with Audrey

 Bedtime routine pic

Big smiles!