Thursday, May 9, 2013

Grayson's First Week

Livin' the High Life

With Grandma Falkum

With Grandma Macumber, Isaac, and Audrey

With Grandpa Falkum

With Aunt Stacy

With Uncle Tim

With Aunt Sarah and Cousin Indira

With Aunt Kim and Cousin Landon

With Isaac and Audrey

With Grandma Macumber and Audrey

With Grandma Falkum

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Welcome to the World, Baby Grayson!

What started as a lazy Sunday morning quickly turned to chaos when Baby Grayson decided he couldn't wait one more day and wanted to be a Cinco de Mayo baby. We hurried the kids out the door without breakfast and made it to the hospital by 9:00am. Roughly two and half hours later, Grayson Gunnar Macumber was brought into the world. Thank goodness for Mom, the surgery went off without a hitch and she quickly started on the road to recover.

Grayson Gunnar Macumber
Date of Birth: 5/5/2013
Time of Birth: 11:37am
Weight: 8 lbs 15 oz
Lengths: 20 inches
Messy Diapers: 5 (as of 9pm on 5/5/2013)