Sunday, May 5, 2013

Welcome to the World, Baby Grayson!

What started as a lazy Sunday morning quickly turned to chaos when Baby Grayson decided he couldn't wait one more day and wanted to be a Cinco de Mayo baby. We hurried the kids out the door without breakfast and made it to the hospital by 9:00am. Roughly two and half hours later, Grayson Gunnar Macumber was brought into the world. Thank goodness for Mom, the surgery went off without a hitch and she quickly started on the road to recover.

Grayson Gunnar Macumber
Date of Birth: 5/5/2013
Time of Birth: 11:37am
Weight: 8 lbs 15 oz
Lengths: 20 inches
Messy Diapers: 5 (as of 9pm on 5/5/2013)