Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Flying Solo

Believe it or not, this past weekend was the first time that Audrey and Isaac had been apart for more than a day. Audrey went down to Iowa with Ryan to see Uncle Tim on vacation from his tour of duty, and Isaac stayed home with me to take it easy and recuperate from his bout of pneumonia.

Isaac did have a relaxing weekend (he slept 13 hours one night!), but got out on Saturday for a couple of hours of State Fair fun. And boy, did he have fun!

 The first thing we did was get him a snow cone (hence, the red lips and face in the rest of the pictures!

 He ate a whole cob of corn himself!

 We visited the sheep barn...

...and the swine barn...

...and the cow barn, horse barn, and Miracle of Birth center. Whew! If you ask him what he remembers about the fair, though, the first thing he'll mention are the "dump trucks." Ah, yes...he wouldn't be a two-year-old boy if he wasn't in awe of the giant green dump trucks that drive around the fair continuously through the day!

A fun weekend didn't stop him from missing his sister and dad, though. I heard a lot of, "Where'd Audrey go? What's Daddy doing?" this weekend. It's hard for a toddler with no real sense of time to understand the "They'll be home tomorrow" concept!