Monday, July 12, 2010

Curse of the MMR: An Audrey Update

Audrey has had a rough couple of weeks: first pink eye and an ear infection, followed by a nasty stomach virus, a cold, and now a reaction to the MMR vaccine! Our family might be cursed when it comes to this vaccine, as cousin Landon got the same bad rash from it! And supposedly only five percent of kids have this reaction. Hmm....
However, all of this illness has given Audrey what I call her "baditude." She has become a fiesty, sassy, warrior! Now that she army crawls, she literally throws things out of the way that come across her path. It reminds me of Transformers tossing cars and smashing buildings the way she heaves these heavy things! She now steals toys from Isaac and makes him cry. Not that I want Isaac crying, but I think I'm secretly glad Audrey has some attitude. It's a tough world out there, and I don't want her to take any crap from anyone! :)

P.S.  She also started waving hi/bye this week, which is super exciting for us!