Wednesday, July 28, 2010

One Proud Mama!

Audrey has taken off in the last couple of weeks, and I'm so proud of her! In addition to waving and crawling, she started standing up in her crib last week and today she mastered two new skills: signing "more" and clapping her hands. The best part for her? Her big brother can't do either of these yet! I'm so glad she decided to bring on the competition. It's hard when you have twins not to compare them all of the time...:)

Isaac has news, too: I mentioned awhile ago that I thought his first words might be "milk" and "all done." Well...he has never consistently said those, so it might have been a false hope. However, he definitely says "done" now--and he says it on cue at the end of meal time (while signing "all done"). It comes out "dah" most of the time, but you can tell he's trying to master the "n" at the end of it. Also, while he loves to "crash" his blocks, yesterday he helped me stack them. Every new skill just amazes me, and I feel so lucky I get to witness all of these firsts.

Speaking of proud mamas, my good friend had a baby boy today--a great way to top off a fabulous day!