Monday, July 12, 2010

Lions, Tigers, and Bears, Oh My: An Isaac Update

Apparently, there is such thing as being too good of a storyteller. I LOVE the book Oliver Finds His Way, but my roaring sound effects have made Isaac cry twice now! I made the mistake of reading it a second time (thinking he was just tired the first time around), and he started bawling hysterically. It took me about ten minutes to calm him down. I felt soooo bad! I wanted to cry myself. Now any time I make a sound effect, his lower lip quivers and I have to quickly change my tone and expression. The last thing I want is to traumatize him and scare him away from stories! The picture above shows a little smile after I calmed him down.

Other news? Isaac is allergic to peanuts, eggs, oats, milk, wheat, and soy. Yikes! We're trying to reduce his eczema (which is getting progressively worse) and we think food allergies may be a culprit. We meet with an allergist tomorrow for further testing and to discuss his diet. I'm hoping some of those are false positives--otherwise the poor guy will have to eat like a rabbit!

He is cruising all over the place and can now stand by himself (without holding onto anything) for 6-7 seconds at a time. I see baby steps in the near future! We're also working on colors with him. I thought he knew blue, but then I realized that when I say, "Show me the yellow block" or "Show me the red block" he always chooses blue! It's his favorite color (he loves the blue page the best in his color book), so he must think I'm saying, "Show me the best block! Your favorite!" :)