Monday, August 31, 2009

Apples Don't Fall Far from the Tree...

Audrey and Isaac had their two-month doctor appt. today. I have to laugh because they are following in their dad's footsteps. Isaac is a short guy, only in the 1st percentile for height (Ryan claims he himself is 5'9, but we all know the truth!). Audrey has a condition called Torticollis (otherwise known as "wry neck") that may require her to wear a helmet with a neck brace for awhile. The running joke in the family is that Ryan needs a helmet for protective measures...we can all recall the "incident" down at the University of Iowa a few years back (too much alcohol = 20+ staples in the head). :) Anyhow, besides Audrey's neck problem (which will heal with some physical therapy) both babies are healthy. I was also given peace of mind that they are not overweight as I feared--they are right on target! Other good news? Both of them started smiling. It still takes a little effort on our part to get them to smile, but when it happens it is adorable! That's what those chubby cheeks are for...:)