Saturday, August 15, 2009


Ryan and I found out I was pregnant on Monday, Nov. 24, 2008. I remember calling Ryan and telling him while he was standing in line at Lee Ann Chin. Talk about laying a big one on him when he wasn't in the best place to take the news! (I couldn't wait until he got home to tell him). We probably had typical reactions for first-time parents; Ryan's reaction was, "I'll believe it when I see it," and my reaction was, "I think I'm pregnant--all signs point to it, but what if it's all in my head???" On Tuesday, January 6, we received confirmation that there wasn't just one, but TWO babies in there! I remember that we couldn't stop laughing about it (we took the "laugh so we don't cry" approach) and we talked about how crazy it was that this happened to us, especially since our friends Mike and Naghme down in Iowa just had twins. We found out right away they were fraternal, so the next several weeks were spent wondering what they would be. Here are some pictures from our first ultrasound where you can see both babies.