Saturday, August 15, 2009

Now a Family...



On Tuesday, June 30, 2009, Ryan and I welcomed Isaac Ryan and Audrey Elizabeth into the world. Isaac was born by c-section at 9:48 p.m. weighing 5 lb. 2 oz. and Audrey was born at 9:49 p.m. weighing 6 lb. 3 oz. They arrived approximately four and a half weeks early (due date was August 2).
They were (and continue to be) beautiful babies! Isaac had a low birth weight and a slightly misshapen head due to his position in the womb, but was otherwise perfectly healthy. Audrey had fluid in her lungs, was jaundiced, and has a heart murmur, but these are all fairly common conditions for a newborn. We feel blessed and very lucky that these two were born so healthy for being preemies!
Audrey and Isaac spent two and a half weeks in the Special Care Nursery at Fairview Southdale Hospital as "feeders and growers." Looking back we consider this, as my mom would say, a "blessing in disguise," for during this time we learned so much from the nurses about caring for newborns that we otherwise wouldn't have known if they didn't spend this time in the nursery. We are so grateful toward the nursing staff at Fairview; the care and support they provided during that time made it so special and prepared us for life at home with our babies. On Thursday, July 16, we were finally able to bring them home and begin our life together as a family!